Great news! After almost 2 years of hibernation, Master Yu’s highly anticipated book, The Secret Power of HAPPY TAI CHI™ is finally available to students and seminar attendees now. Your way of thinking, acting and feeling will be forever changed!
This book is the result of a “divine calling” Master Yu strongly felt as she became more aware of the spreading epidemic of depression and addiction in our modern society. To carry out her “building happier & healthier communities” mission, Master Yu’s HAPPY TAI CHI™seminar and instructor training starts immediately in Spring of 2018. This includes her international Youth Tour to major universities across the oceans and her Warrior Tour to military bases and VA hospitals.
This eye-opening, heart-tickling and easily applicable book combines new findings of modern epi-genetics & neuro-psychology and time-tested wisdoms of ancient principles. It is based on her 30 years of experience on wellness including her bachelor, master and doctor studies in Healtheology, her decades of training tens of thousands of students from every continent, and her own personal “darkness to happiness” life journey. It provides a winning new playbook, filled with unique insights, self-discovery exercises and useful tips, to help you live a more harmonious, fulfilling and joyful life in today’s stressful world.
Although the main book is only available to attendees of Master Yu’s classes, seminars and instructor training, it is being currently developed into a series of 3 sub books for Kindle Direct Publishing and CreateSpace on Amazon.
- “HAPPY” – Reloaded, Recode your Mind for Modern Happy Living [The HAPPY TAI CHI™ Mind]
- FREEDOM – Reclaimed, Liberate your Hungers for Ultimate Fulfillment [The HAPPY TAI CHI™ Diet & Prescription]
- INDOMITABLE SPIRIT – Rekindled, Reconnect your Channel for Empowering Bliss [The HAPPY TAI CHI™ Meditation & Movement]
E-Book of the first one is already released on Amazon with very positive reviews. Paperback will be available in April.
For more information on HAPPY TAI CHI™ events and publications, please check on This website is being developed as we speak.