
Contribute for the Cause

Yu School greatly appreciates your contributions to help us further our cause of promoting Eastern ways of wellness to the ailing and under-served members of our community. 

We have provided multiple ways in which you can make your donation.  You can make a one-time donation using your credit card or Paypal account.  You can become a member by setting up a recurring donation, also using your credit card or Paypal account, which can be cancelled at any time.  You can also contribute a percentage of your Amazon purchases through the "Amazon Affiliate Program".

If you have any questions, please contact us.

One-Time Donation

Recurring Payment

Enter your Donation Amount (USD)
When would you like this donation to recur?
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment)

You may cancel your recurring donations at any time here.

Amazon Affiliate Program

Yu School is registered as a non-profit organization with the Amazon Affiliate Program.  If you access the Amazon website using our link, then whenever you make a purchases, up to 10% of the price for each product is donated to Yu School!  At no additional cost to you!!

To take advantage of this program, go to the Amazon website using this link ( which tells Amazon to make the appropriate donations to Yu School whenever you make a purchase.  If you then immediately "bookmark" this link as a favorite, replacing any link you may already have, you can use the YuSchool bookmarked link directly without having to come through our website again to make Amazon Affiliate donations.